Friday, February 26, 2010

i believe together we'll fly

To experience the Olympics in my home city was an amazing experience that I'll never forget. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. To be in the Olympic environment for the past two weeks and to have been fortunate enough to attend three events, see the torch relay twice, and go downtown to soak up the atmosphere four times were blessings that were more than enough. I truly feel that I made the most of my chance to experience the Olympics. Sure, I didn't get some of the tickets that I wanted to. But the Olympics is much more than that. I didn't need to spend lots of money to have a great experience. And it turned out that I was blessed by people who mean a lot to me and was able to attend some events after all. With the Olympic wrapping up in two days, I reflect back on the past two weeks with fond fond memories that I'll always cherish. And if all of this wasn't enough, I was fortunate enough to meet some figure skaters today! Two of my heros, Kiira Korpi and Laura Lepisto, were walking by and I met them and got a picture. It was really special. And then I got to meet Shae-Lynn Borne too! Pretty cool. I can't believe what a great time I had today and it was even more special because I got to share it with friends.
Vancouver 2010 has truly been a successful Games. From the amazing enthusiasm of Canadians around the country and especially here in the heart of Vancouver, the entire Olympics have been so special. Our national pride and true north strong and free colors have come out and shown the world how wonderful it is to be Canadian. And I truly think that we are blessed beyond belief to live in such an amazing country as Canada. I hope that the world felt welcome here - I think they did. To top it off, we have an extraordinary medal count - at least 24 now and maybe more by the end of the Games, plus a record amount of golds. We did it Canada!! The Games have had amazing moments so far. From the incredible opening ceremonies and the first gold on home soil by Alex Bilodeau to the emotional and inspiring skate of Joannie Rochette, Vancouver 2010 will live on in the hearts and minds of Canadians and the world for a very long time.
In the last two days of Vancouver 2010, I'm going to soak up every moment. Go Canada Go!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

heart of gold

Dear Joannie,

You did it. That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen anyone do at the Olympics. All of Canada is so proud of you. That short program was one of the most exciting and emotional events I've ever seen. Good luck in the free skate! Don't worry about the medals; just skate for your mother.

some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

It's here. The day that you've been waiting for your whole life it seems. The day that you've trained for your whole life. You've given up everything for this moment. There's been pain and tears... all in preparation for six minutes. Everything you've done up to this point doesn't seem to matter - the only thing that does is what happens in those few moments on a sheet of ice with the world watching. You don't know what will happen. You've worked hard and you feel prepared - but a few minutes on slippery ice can change everything. Before you step out into the Olympic glare, it seems as if the dream you've dreamed so fervently about is within your grasp. But after you step off the ice, will that dream remain in shatters behind you? Or will it be yours?
It's the Olympics. Anything can happen. The only thing that's certain is the uncertainty. In the past, nothing has gone right for the favorites. Meaning this: anyone can become the next Olympic Ice Queen. In 1998, Michelle Kwan came in as the favorite. But Tara Lipinski stole the show. In 2002, no one would have expected Sarah Hughes to be on the podium. But she beat out favorites Irina Slutskaya and Michelle Kwan to take gold. Likewise, 2006 saw veteran darkhorse Shizuka Arakawa come from almost quitting the sport to skating lights out while favorites Slutskaya and Sasha Cohen crashed around her.
It's 2010. A new quadrennial cycle of hard training and fervent dreaming has ended with the ultimate prize - Olympic gold - within reach. Who will reach out and take it?
Yuna - You've been so dominant over the past year. No one has been able to touch you in competition. You've got everything it takes to win. But you're the favorite, the frontrunner, the world champion everyone is chasing. Just go out and skate your heart out, like you do everyday in practice in Toronto. Let your love of skating shine through and you'll be atop the podium.
Mao - You're so talented. You've struggled this past year, but put all of that behind you. You're the darkhorse - you don't have the pressure of being the favorite. So run with it. Remember what you did in Worlds two years ago. You fell on your opening jump - hard. But then you pulled yourself up and gave the performance of your life. That's what you can do now. You can overcome the troubles you've have with your triple axel this year, pull yourself up, and skate like you never have before.
Joannie - all of Canada is behind you. We'll be with you the whole way. You can do it.
Mirai and Rachael - You're both so talented with bright futures. Just soak in every moment and do your best - that's all you can do. 2014 is your time, but in 2010 the possibilities are limitless.
The 2010 Women's Olympic Short Program. Everyone's worked hard - it's time for them to realize their dreams.