Tuesday, April 19, 2011

k i am SO ready to be done. In less than 24 hrs i will be :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


I will never move on from You.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can't wait to celebrate Tanis's wedding with her ahhhh so excited! I love weddings :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"caught up in the wonder of Your sacrifice... i can't believe you would do this for me, to save me... i can't thank You enough... for Your love and Your grace when I feel so alone tonight... and when the world keeps getting smaller."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

you, honestly, are a low person. a very very low person. and i don't understand why i keep throwing myself at your feet again and again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, I'm here locked up in my room with some tea and my books and papers and I'm deep in my anatomy stuff haha :) Can't wait - only 8 more days until finals are over and summer is here! So, aside from drowing in all the material I learned this semester, my ankle is still swollen like crazy and now I don't have track to relieve my stress :( But here are some tips I'm trying to follow to stay alive during the crazy seasont that is exam time! Maybe these will help you guys too:

1) Don't study in bed. Get up and get dressed/ready like it's a normal day. Then sit at your desk or in a chair that doesn't recline too much. If you feel too relaxed, your mind will wander and you'll just want to fall asleep.

2) After every 20 min, get up a do some stretches/jumping jacks/running on the spot (except not me with this ankle haha). If you sit hunched over books too long, you'll get really stiff and sore. Short exercises promote blood flow to the brain so you'll think better too.

3) Don't eat too much. Some people have the tendency to snack a lot while they study. This will just make you feel sick though - especially since you're sitting so much.

4) Eat healthy and remember to eat! Some people have the opposite problem and so intense with studying they forget to eat or they just grab a granola bar to last them a whole day. For you brain to work it need nutrients!

5) Stay hydrated! Water helps your brain function better.

6) Open the window/curtains! Sunlight and fresh air will keep you rejuvinated and lower stress.

7) Talk to your best buds every so often for moral support. If you know that they're going through the same stuff, you might not feel as stressed :)Of course, don't talk to your friend who's on the beach in Hawaii. That might not help so much :P

8) Take breaks! If you study nonstop without leaving your room or talking to another human for hours and hours you'll get burned out and probably won't remember half the stuff you read anyway.

9) Study by day, sleep by night. Don't lose sleep and try to remember stuff at 2 in the morning when your brain can't work anyhow. Studying before sleeping helps your brain organize what you learned. And if you study ahead of time, you won't have to cram :)

10) Change it up! Study outside on the lawn, in the library, at the kitchen table, at starbucks, on your front steps... You'll feel refreshed in a new location and you might even link facts with places. Like... oh I was there when I read this so i remember it!

Good luck and stay alive,


p.s. On a happier note, Worlds is in 2 1/2 weeks! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"we have to fix our eyes on Home and stay strong on this journey because we never know how close to Home we may be."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

can't understand people sometimes.
this relationship is like a roller coaster.
i just hope that i'm wrong and that this is all just a legit roadblock.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

we got it all wrong cuz today will soon be gone

Break down your castles and open up your arms because
today will soon be

Gone, like yeterday is gone,
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
You're going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just trying to prove me wrong
You pretend like you're immortal you're immortal

We are not infinite
We are not permanate
Nothing is immediate
We’re so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at how dark it is

Gone, like frank sinatra
Like elvis and his mom
Like al pichino’s cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn’t last for long.

Monday, April 4, 2011

gotta get on your armor

Every day is a battle. A struggle to stay focused on the things of God and not get sucked into the message of the world. A struggle to hear God's voice admist the noise of everything else. It's so easy to get consumed. So easy to lose focus of the finish line and the prize. So easy to vear off the path for a while chasing something glittery that you thought was important. Or it's easy to vear down a trail of abandon and despair by the hard things we face that can consume us. But more and more I'm learning that to stay on the path, you have to keep your armor with you - the Word. Only then can you feel God near you and hear His voice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's amazing how God can take a situation that really scares us and turn it into something amazing that changes us for the better.