Thursday, June 24, 2010

all the times we had together

It's over. 3 years of growing, tears, laughter, learning, transforming, achieving, and simply having the time of my life. How can leave this place? It's here that I met my dearest friends in the world. It's here that I met my Savior. It's here that I learned so much. It's hear that I found myself. It's hard sometimes to imagine my life without it. But I know that when this chapter of my life closes, I'll still be taking pieces of the last chapter with me. The people that mean so much to me, the lessons I've learned, the precious memories I have - they'll be in my heart forever and I won't ever let them go. They're a part of who I am, and nothing can change that.
These 3 years will be in my heart forever. I'll never forget.
I'll never forget any of you. You're half of who I am.
I know that I'm in Your hands and You're already mapping out a path for me. I know You have something amazing waiting for me.
Deep breath. I can do this. I've done it. All I have to do is walk across the stage and into the future.

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