Friday, December 31, 2010

let the good times roll

2010 has been such an amazing year.
sad to wish it farewell in these last few hours.
but you can't hold on to the past - you gotta keep looking to the future.
here's to 2011 and all that it might bring.
2010 is locked up in my treasure chest to look back on fondly :)
i can't wait for the story of 2011 to unfold :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010


i hope that someday i can say that.
i hope that someday you'll realize.
i hope that someday i can have that too.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

see you again in two

dear casa loma aka sweet escape,
miss you tons.
have made memories on your shores i'll treasure always and never forget.
i've grown up with you every summer.
wish i was living those magical days now.
but never fear... i'll see you again in two years.
love always,

p.s. photo recap:

*sigh* - ma favoritee placee on earth :) <3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

with love, twenty ten

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What an amazing year. I'd have to say that this year has been just magical - the best of my life thus far :) Can't say I'd change any of it - even the rough patches. I learned and grew so much over the past twelve months. I can honestly say that I have no regrets. What are my top three memories of the year? I'd have to say:

1) Grad - finishing my time at PA and being able to celebrate the milestone with dear friends at the most amazing graduation celebration ever.

2) the Olympics - I'd never felt more proud to be Canadian. I got to know Vancouver better. I was able to witness the most amazing moments and live the once-in-a-lifetime experience that was Vancouver 2010 - best Olympic Games ever, in my opinion ;)

3) starting University - my new life as a student nurse, meeting the most amazing girls that I can't wait to spend the next four years with. A couple of them? Ya we'll be friends for life. :) Realizing the path and passion God has given me and the excitement of knowing why I'm on this earth.

And in between are the moments that aren't necessarily spectacular the traditional sense, but oh so precious. Special moments that create a mosaic of memories impossible to forget. Like walking with you downtown on our way to Stars on Ice, starbucks chats about life, your call just to say you care, sitting on the dock in Casa Loma with the sun on my face and no worries on my mind, playing tennis with my bro, writing good exams, moments of listening and walking with God - these are the moments that made 2010 an unforgettable year.
I know that not every year will be like 2010 - this year was a mountain top, but who knows? 2011 might be a valley. But no matter what, God will be right beside me through all the different terrains of life. So that makes it okay.

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What will you bring? I have no clue. I'm hopeful for the future, even though I know there will be struggles and hard times too. But deep down, I feel like this coming year too will be one I'll never forget :) So let's bring it - I'm ready to go on this ride with you :)

bright, like a spark in the night

That day is still so clear in my mind. I don't think I'll ever forget it. It was magical, like something from a film - something that only happens in dreams, except it was real. I hope I can relive that experience someday. But until then, I can relive it every night in my dreams.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

peace on earth

christmas time is here
bringing happiness and cheer
sweet escape and needed rest
time to love and be loved
all is calm all is bright
have a merry christmas tonight

Friday, December 10, 2010

convo between two study-overloaded students (aka me 'n D.)

l: i hate exams
d: really? cuz everyone else in this school just loves them!
l: you're not funny...
d: ooohhh woowwww i just LOVE this! I just can't get enough! mmmhhhmm EXAMS!!

tips for studying:

- open the window
- get up and get dressed/ready like you would on a regular day
- don't go on fb
- get up every once and a while and go for a run
- focus focus focus
- switch up your study spot
- do some good stretching every few hours

stay alive,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There's a fire and it hurts - bright and beautiful but Hollywood is dead.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You’re here
You're holding me so near
I’m staring into the face of my Savior
King and Creator
You could’ve left us on our own
But You’re here

And still He calls
Through the night,
Beyond the days of old.
A voice of peace
To the weary ones,
Who struggle with the human soul.

All of us,
Through a given time.
Who can know
What tomorrow holds?
But over the horizon,
Surely you and I will find peace.

All else pales compared to knowing You.
Loving You through loving people - that's what it's about.
Not the money, not the fame, not the feel-good-now.
My life is just a moment that will determine the forever after.
I don't want to waste it.
Will You hold my outstretched hand?
Will You help me understand?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

sometimes you have to feel the thud

it's not good to fly all the time
sometimes you have to feel the thud of falling in order to really appreciate the view from above
and if you never fall, you'll never be on the ground - your head will be in the clouds and that's not good for your character
even though it's painful, falling and hitting the ground is sometimes the best thing for you. getting back up means so much more.