Sunday, January 30, 2011

not wishes, faith

It's frustrating some times to be in a world that doesn't know Him or honor Him. It makes me so sad and confused at the same time. And it's hard to keep focus on the things that matter. It's hard when people you love are sinking and all you can do for them is pray. It's hard but He is always faithful. He's my closest friend.
Everyone is trying to fill themselves up. I'm always trying to fill myself up. Sometimes I forget that only One can fill me and satisfy my heart.

When I was younger, I used to think: if I could have three wishes right now, what would they be?
But wishes aren't real, they're just dreams.
It's not wishes I need, but faith.

don't lose heart


You will come back.
You will be stronger.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


When He says narrow is the road, narrow is the road.
It's all around and everywhere, everywhere.
And it's everyone, everyone.
Sometimes i feel alone and i don't understand.
But i remember this...
I'm not alone. And deep down, I know it's the right thing.
"When you read that I am dead, don't believe it. I will be more alive than ever before."
-- Dwight L. Moody

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Though He slay me, yet still will I love Him."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your love is a light

Just let the love love love begin...

So Valentine's Day is coming up. And I just had my first day of clinical today. Both good reasons to talk about love. I'm realizing that love isn't what society makes of it - some idealistic, sugary feeling that has no depth. Love isn't about giving paper valentines (although you can show love by doing that), it's not about a holiday, and it's not about red hearts and chocolate. Love is a way of life - it's a tangible action that should permeate every aspect of our day. We should love because He's love and He loves us - a love that's a light driving away fear. Love is being there for those who can't help themselves. I really need to keep that love in my heart when I see those patients and have to do things for them that maybe aren't so pleasant. But really, life's not about a sugar-coated Fourth of July experience. It's about genuinely loving - through loving others loving Him. And sometimes it's not always easy or pleasant. But what I have to remember is this:

"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." -- James 1:27

Monday, January 24, 2011

live, laugh, love,
forgive and forget.
life's too short to live with regrets.
There is none like You.
No one else could touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long, and find there is none like You.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

skating is lifeeee

"so light it up...push it to the limit give it more..."
"got this whole place glowing"


Thursday, January 20, 2011


i'm blessed to be here
i'm blessed to have these people in my life
i'm blessed to have this opportunity
i'm blessed to have this break
i'm blessed to have this passion <3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

cloud 9

ummm so this weekend is going to be amazing!!
these things only happen once in a while, so i'm gonna make the most of every moment :)
chillin' with skaters.. <3
hope time goes slowly for the next few days :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."--Psalm 32:8


It's a funny thing. It's funny how God puts people in your life, and then they slip through your fingers along with the sands of time. And then you have to move on. Just another reminder that this isn't home. I can't wait for that day.
When I look at old pictures I think of what I said in the last few days...
"One day we'll find when we're looking back at this time, wondering how we've come so far from this."
You can't experience the breathtaking view without feeling the pain of climbing the mountain.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm realizing that this is reality. And I don't want to imagine life without it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

living with a purpose

This is the life You chose for me.
I'm gonna live it to the fullest.
No regrets.
And I'm loving it.
Is that ok? I think it is if you have peace.
Cuz it's really not about your circumstances.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

love love it's all you need

school starts in a day. i'm actually really excited :)
A,W,M,A,D,E,G --> love you guys like forever. Can't wait to spend sem. 2 of university together!!
when you have good friends by your side, you can take it on. i'm readdyyy to learn :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

don't know if i can wait 2 years to be back :(

i got a pocket got a pocketfull of sunshine
i got a love and i know that it's all mine oh oh oh oh

take me away, a secret place
a sweet escape, take me away
take me away to better days
take me away, a hiding place

there's a place that i go that nobody knows
where the rivers flow and i call it home
and there's no more lies in the darkness there's light
and nobody cries, there's only butterflies

*pretty much sums up casa loma right there :)
-- missing it

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

this is a forever thing, yea

Running, i have a love/hate relationship with you,
but i love you more.
You're my passion and that's never gonna change.
I'm gonna work hard and see where you take me this year in 2011.
Wonder if some of my dreams and goals will be fulfilled?
Don't know, but
I know that I'll keep on running no matter what.
Cuz it makes me feel alive and it's my way of life.
I know that not all addictions require treatment because I run.
I'm gonna keep running through the road of life
Cuz this is a forever thing, yea :)