Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your love is a light

Just let the love love love begin...

So Valentine's Day is coming up. And I just had my first day of clinical today. Both good reasons to talk about love. I'm realizing that love isn't what society makes of it - some idealistic, sugary feeling that has no depth. Love isn't about giving paper valentines (although you can show love by doing that), it's not about a holiday, and it's not about red hearts and chocolate. Love is a way of life - it's a tangible action that should permeate every aspect of our day. We should love because He's love and He loves us - a love that's a light driving away fear. Love is being there for those who can't help themselves. I really need to keep that love in my heart when I see those patients and have to do things for them that maybe aren't so pleasant. But really, life's not about a sugar-coated Fourth of July experience. It's about genuinely loving - through loving others loving Him. And sometimes it's not always easy or pleasant. But what I have to remember is this:

"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." -- James 1:27

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