Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lesson learned: don't be too quick to judge.
I'm glad you came back <3
A couple things I've been thinking about today:

- life is short. The days tick by without you even noticing. Make the most of them. Make everything you do meaningful. Most of all, keep eternity in the back of your mind.
- if you want an experience/opportunity, you have to go after it. You can't wait for life to come to you; you have to go out and take advantage of life.
- sometimes you need to give people second chances.

Monday, March 28, 2011

you're taller than that

Sometimes we use the wrong stick to measure ourselves. I mean, everyone does it. I do all the time. And I need to constantly remind myself that that's not what life's about. We're striving so hard to measure up to everything the world tells us we need to be. But really, there's only one measuring stick that matters - God's. He tells us we're valuable no matter what we look like, what clothes we wear, how smart we are, or what car we drive. He loves us for who we are and tells us that success isn't about becoming number one - smartest, richest, prettiest and most wellknown or well-liked. No. In the end, all of that stuff will fade. All that will remain is God's love and how we lived in reflection of it. Just do your best. That's all God expects of you. It's good to set high goals - don't get me wrong. I always have high expectations of myself. And that's a good thing. But sometimes I put my self worth into those expectations and I need to realize that I don't need them to complete me - I'm already made complete in Him.
Loving God. Loving others. SERVING. That's the true stuff of life.
I can't ever forget.
and i'm learning that i don't need you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Changed by Your Glory

Father, I want You to hold me.
I want to rest in your arms today.

Father, I know You will show me.
I feel Your arms holding me; I'm not alone.

I bring all my cares and I lay them at Your feet.
You are always there. And You love me as I am.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

thoughts of the day

- "God doesn't care about your abilities, but your availability. Give Yourself to Him in availability and He'll give you the abilities."

- "Being a part of the Mission - that's why we're here. God is at work in the world in a big way and I want to be a part of it."

You move in the unseen. You set the captives free. As I stand and sing, You're breaking the chains on me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Prayer is the language

completely taken in
entirely forgiven of my sin
it took God's love to find me as lost as I have been
i've been completely taken in.
We walk a thin line,
A tightrope,
One shake and we fall.
Everything we work for,
In an instant it's all gone.

Are we living our lives right today?
Because when the earth shakes and the towers fall,
only One will remain above it all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


style: pretty, classy, and feminine. plaid shirts, flowy tops, pastel colors for winter, bright colors for summer. NO black.

best style of actors: guy - James Franco. girl - Natalie Portman, Emily Blunt.

music: anything that praises God and draws me closer to Him. Classical music to de-stress and for in the kitchen :)

destressors: running, shopping, talking to God through music, baking, talking to friends/fam.

sports: running & figure skating all the wayy :) Tennis a close second.

athletes: yuna kim, sasha cohen, mao asada, allyson felix, roger federer

traits I find most attractive: confidence, honesty, hard-working, sincere, selfless

biggest fear: failure. Losing someone.

favorite season: summer :) but i like something about every season.

best escape: Casa Loma!! Seriously one of the best places on earth.

quote: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

challenge for the year: living every day in light of eternity.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


"For the lost and for the broken
For the slave and for the orphan
For everyone to realize Your love

From the famous to the faceless
From the beggar to the king
For everyone to realize Your love

You restore the broken hearted
You bring freedom to the captive
For one and all
Forever this means love

All Your children come together
All Your sons and all Your daughters
Grace enough
Forever this means love"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

On days like today, you realize what matters and why it's good to be alive.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

welcome to the aftermath

"I'm giving it all away. I'm giving it all to go Your way."
"As I stand and sing, You're breaking the chains on me."
"And I know that You're with me here. Yes I know that You're with me. Your love will light the way."
"And I find myself here on my knees again. Caught up in grace like an avalanche. Nothing compares to this love, love, love burning in my heart."

Can't get enough of Aftermath.
Soundtrack of my life. <3