Sunday, May 29, 2011


What a blessing to be in church this morning. How blessed I am to be able to meet with other believers and encourage one another in faith. Some Sunday mornings, I am reluctant to get up early for Church. I feel guilty deep down about this, but as soon as I step into the presence of God and His people, I ask myself: "How could I go through a week without this?" I am encouraged by the Words of the Scriptures that say: "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in there midst." The words of one of my highschool teacher's words came to me as well this morning: "You can't go through the Christian walk alone; you need brothers and sisters in Christ to support you along the way or you won't survive."
These words resonate to me such truth. How encouraging it is to share the struggles and joys of life with other believers who can help build you up in your faith. How foolish I have been to think that I could be a lone ranger Christian. I feel strengthened in my faith to hear how God is working in the lives of my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
Today, I feel God calling out to me saying "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to decern God's plan for your life - His good, pleasing, and perfect will."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

and Bieksa scores!!!

k i can't even contain my excitement right now. good year to become a hockey fan and buy a flag haha because...


So good to be a Vancouverite right now :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Make me aware.
Make me see
that everything I have is not all about me.
So take my world
turn it around.
And let the obvious finally be found.
Make me aware.
I have been missing so much,
Not recognizing Your touch.
Make me aware, make me aware.

I want everything I have and am to be about You.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

alone on a rink with spotlights in your hair

i see your true colors shining through
i see your true colors
and that's why i love you
so don't be afraid
to let them show through
your true colors
true colors
true colors
beautiful like a rainbow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It is what it is.
It was what it was.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's May.
Sunny weather, start of summer, cool breezes, blue skies.
Royal Wedding, Election, World Championships, Canucks.
Shopping bags, dangly bracelets, white shoes, ice cream.
Flip flops, green grass, hot tennis courts, cool lake.
Sun browned skin, hair down, morning runs, starry nights.
Picnics, beach days, laughing with friends, downtown adventures.
Family movie nights, walks to Starbucks, phone calls, heart-to-hearts.
Windows open, music blaring, red nailpolish, flowers in the hair.
Airplane trips, Canada Day fireworks, weddings, Casa Loma magic.
Trail runs, mornings at the pool, Wimbledon, putting green sunsets.
Jean shorts, bright T's, flowy dresses, long necklaces.
Prairie homecoming, family dinners, scrapbooking, ER marathons.

Oh Summer. How glad I am to see you again.