Monday, June 13, 2011

100 questions

Birthplace :: Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Age :: 18

Age you act :: uhh i think i act my age??

Current location :: my room haha :) in Vancouver!! home of the canucks who are gonna win the cup tonight yea babyy!!

Eye color :: brown

Hair color :: brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: right

Zodiac sign? :: ?? not into that stuff

Height? :: 5'8''

Your heritage/nationality :: heritage = Ukrainian, nationality = Canadian whoo

Your hair :: is curly, brown, and i'm trying to grow it out at the moment haha

Your fears :: losing someone i love; not making the most of opportunities i'm given

Your perfect room :: vintage country style, elegant, girly, filled with my favorite things and pictures of the people and memories that mean the most to me

What you practically do in a day :: well, since it's summer right now my sched. is pretty relaxed, but i guess i get up, eat, go for a run or to the gym, read my Bible, then go out for the day hanging out with people, watching the canucks haha.

Words you overuse :: k, totally, like, sure, sweet

Phrases you overuse :: don't overuse any

Your first thought when you wake up :: what am i doing today?

Your greatest accomplishment :: doing well in school, track/violin achievements

Something you want to do :: live my whole life for Christ, not myself

Pepsi or Coke :: neither, not a pop drinker

Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: neither

Chocolate or vanilla :: chocolate :)

Adidas or Nike :: Nike all the way :)

Black or white :: white

Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: umm obv bills? they're worth more? haha

Burgers or hot dogs :: burgers

Egypt or France :: France

Rock or rap :: neither

Smoke :: no

Cuss :: no

Sing well :: decently

Sing in the shower :: haha all the time

Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: only in my head

Believe in yourself :: yes

Play an instrument :: yup three

Want to go to college? :: in college and loving ittt :)

Want to get married? :: of course

Want to have children? :: yes, some day haha

Get along with your parents :: yup, very well

Get along with your siblings? :: most of the time

Gone out of province :: definitely; i love to travel

Drank alchohal :: nope

Smoke :: nope

Eaten an entire box of oreos :: uhh no i don't want to get sick :P

Been on stage :: many times

Gone skinny dipping :: haha no!

Been dumped :: nope

Dyed your hair :: no

Stolen anything :: no

Craziest :: probably mm

Loudest :: definitely az

Most shy :: bv

Blondest :: mh

Smartest :: ez

Kindest :: gc

Best personality :: cs

Most talented :: ez

Best singer :: ch

Most ghetto :: haha none of my friends are ghetto

Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: mm

Funniest :: mm

Best person for advice :: ez

Dependable :: df

Trustworthy :: all my friends pretty much

Most likely to end up in jail :: uhh don't hang out with ppl like that :P

Last dream :: i was at a canucks game... too bad it wasn't real

Last nightmare :: can't remember

Car ride :: home from tennis last night

Last time you cried :: a week ago

Last movie seen :: pirates 4

Last movie rented :: notting hill

Last book read :: Bible

Last word said :: bye

Last curse word said :: don't curse

Last time you laugh :: few minutes ago :)

Last phone call :: my mom

Last CD played :: hillsong

Last song you listened to :: Canucks How the West was One parody

Last annoyance :: looked outside and saw it was raining

Last weird encounter :: uhh can't think of one

Last person you hugged :: my dad

Last person you yelled at :: my brother

Last time you wore a skirt :: can't remember

Sarcastic? :: not usually

Last time you fought with your parents :: can't remember

Last time you wished upon a star :: haven't had a clear night recently :(

Played Truth or Dare :: a yr ago i think

Spent quality time alone :: with my best friend

Are you talking to someone on AIM :: not atm

Do you feel lonely :: no

Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: umm no that's kinda bizarre

What do you think of George Bush? :: don't know enough about him to say

How many languages do you speak? :: three

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