Sunday, August 28, 2011

packing up memories and moving on; this roller coaster of life

Life flies by so fast. Time elapses without us even realizing. I can't believe that school is starting in just over a week. This has been an amazing summer of growing, learning, resting, re-energizing, loving, laughing, and making precious memories. I wouldn't change anything about this summer - the good times and the bad - because I've come out of it a stronger person, rested and ready for a new year. I'm excited about going back to school and getting closer to becoming a nurse, learning, growing closer to friends, and taking in new experiences. I know there will be hard times, stressful times, and times that I know I'll be stretched and out of my comfort zone. But I also know there will be times of excitement, joy, and accomplishment. Whatever this year brings, I'm excited to see what God has in store for me and I know He'll be beside me the whole way. I'm ready for sophomore year. Bring it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

all you need is love

I've come to realize that the most precious things in life cannot be bought, that relationships are more important than anything else, and that you should never take for granted the moments you get to spend with the ones you love.

Friday, August 5, 2011

in your dreams, you can be anything you want to be

D: Have you always wanted to be a nurse? Cuz I never did.
L: Nope, actually I never even thought of it.
D: So when you were little what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?
L: a figure skater :)
D: aww :)
L: But God had other plans when He made me grow to 5'8''.
D: That's ok, cuz tall nurses are hot.
L: Haha we're going to rock at this job then ;)

Man, I love my bestie <333

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm going to Saskatoon in 3 days :)
I feel like the luckiest girl alive :)