Sunday, August 28, 2011

packing up memories and moving on; this roller coaster of life

Life flies by so fast. Time elapses without us even realizing. I can't believe that school is starting in just over a week. This has been an amazing summer of growing, learning, resting, re-energizing, loving, laughing, and making precious memories. I wouldn't change anything about this summer - the good times and the bad - because I've come out of it a stronger person, rested and ready for a new year. I'm excited about going back to school and getting closer to becoming a nurse, learning, growing closer to friends, and taking in new experiences. I know there will be hard times, stressful times, and times that I know I'll be stretched and out of my comfort zone. But I also know there will be times of excitement, joy, and accomplishment. Whatever this year brings, I'm excited to see what God has in store for me and I know He'll be beside me the whole way. I'm ready for sophomore year. Bring it.

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