Monday, July 5, 2010

a sweet escape

As I sit here on the balcony at Casa Loma, I feel completely peaceful and carefree. Grad is over. Highschool is finished. My path for September is set. It's summer - a magical time when there seems to be no boundaries in life. Summer is the time to follow your heart and not look back. A time to not dwell on the past, but enjoy the present and look forward to the future.
I can't believe a year has past since the last time I was here. Everything here seems the same, yet everything is different as well. I'm beginning a new chapter of my life and this summer is only the beginning. When I think of everything that's happened this year, I feel blessed and yet amazed at how time can go by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I said good bye to Casa Loma in 2009, and yet here I am again. I've experienced so much and changed so much in a year. I think of the Olympics, senior year, grad, and developing new friendships. I think of God, and how much He's taught me this year and how much more He's drawn me to Himself. I'm so thankful for this. I feel almost guilty for the incredible blessings He's given me. But I just want to use them for His glory.
In one of my favorite places in the world, I say I wouldn't change anything about this week.

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