Monday, November 29, 2010

'tis sad fact of life

sometimes you have to try not to care no matter how much you do. because sometimes you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

you say jump, i say spin. you say twizzle, i say rocker.

It's like nothing I can explain. If you ask me why, I can't give you a direct answer. It's just this feeling of freedom and abandon. Sport and art. Fashion and fire. The two worlds are one, and that's what I love about it. I love just shooting around the rink with the wind in my hair. The only one out there - all other worries out of mind. It's like a sweet escape. It's something I can do with friends, or do alone if I need to think. It's the best vacation.
There are flaws of course. But there are cons to everything. There's something about working hard to accomplish your dreams that's very admirable. It can be applied to all parts of life.
This has always been a love and I think it always will. I'd love to be one of those old ladies at skating competitions all decked out in Canada gear, cheering and dancing with abandon.
Skating. Ya, this is a forever thing :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

and...that's the end of that

sorry dear but it's over. you've had enough time. i have better things to do.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


How can I have only known you for three months? It feels like we've been friends a lifetime. I'm amazed at how fast our friendship formed. We get along so well and have sooo much in common it's insane :) Bestie, you're like a sister to me. I can't wait for all the places we'll go together and things we'll see. These next four years are going to be amazing :) But they're only the beginning of a friendship for a lifetime :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

take it all

Lord, I want You to be the only reason that I live.
I want every part of my life to be used for You and by You.
Lord please take it all. My heart is Yours.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


My love is a light driving away all of your fear.
So don't be afraid.
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

quote from tessa

some days, i feel like a duck. calm and smooth on the outside, but paddling like the dickens underneath.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

don't know what to think.

It's confusing. You say one thing, but do another. You give me one impression, but then an opposite one. I don't know how you feel, but I wish you would tell me. It would be better than this. I really want this. I still admire you, and I think I always will. But I'm thinking it's time for me to let go. And move on.

falling but flying back up again

It's hard when things like this happen. I know I deserved it, but it's still hard to bear. I know You're trying to teach me something from this. I know I'm making too much of this. But Your faithfulness always amazes me.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sometimes I think we make life too complicated.
Every day is about rushing here and there, doing this and that. We have to be the best at this, buy this, go there, get this, run faster than that person. When it comes down to it, I know that I have to try and peel back everything that the world throws at me - things that don't really matter - and get back to what life's really all about. Life's about God - serving Him every day. Life's about people - loving them, reaching out to them, and treasuring every moment you have with the ones you love. A hug, a smile, an "I love you" - those are the things that really matter. I want to live a simple life - a life lived for God and putting others first. It's hard when everything around you pulls you to think and do the opposite. I just want to live a simple life for God.