Friday, December 31, 2010

let the good times roll

2010 has been such an amazing year.
sad to wish it farewell in these last few hours.
but you can't hold on to the past - you gotta keep looking to the future.
here's to 2011 and all that it might bring.
2010 is locked up in my treasure chest to look back on fondly :)
i can't wait for the story of 2011 to unfold :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010


i hope that someday i can say that.
i hope that someday you'll realize.
i hope that someday i can have that too.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

see you again in two

dear casa loma aka sweet escape,
miss you tons.
have made memories on your shores i'll treasure always and never forget.
i've grown up with you every summer.
wish i was living those magical days now.
but never fear... i'll see you again in two years.
love always,

p.s. photo recap:

*sigh* - ma favoritee placee on earth :) <3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

with love, twenty ten

2 0 1 0
What an amazing year. I'd have to say that this year has been just magical - the best of my life thus far :) Can't say I'd change any of it - even the rough patches. I learned and grew so much over the past twelve months. I can honestly say that I have no regrets. What are my top three memories of the year? I'd have to say:

1) Grad - finishing my time at PA and being able to celebrate the milestone with dear friends at the most amazing graduation celebration ever.

2) the Olympics - I'd never felt more proud to be Canadian. I got to know Vancouver better. I was able to witness the most amazing moments and live the once-in-a-lifetime experience that was Vancouver 2010 - best Olympic Games ever, in my opinion ;)

3) starting University - my new life as a student nurse, meeting the most amazing girls that I can't wait to spend the next four years with. A couple of them? Ya we'll be friends for life. :) Realizing the path and passion God has given me and the excitement of knowing why I'm on this earth.

And in between are the moments that aren't necessarily spectacular the traditional sense, but oh so precious. Special moments that create a mosaic of memories impossible to forget. Like walking with you downtown on our way to Stars on Ice, starbucks chats about life, your call just to say you care, sitting on the dock in Casa Loma with the sun on my face and no worries on my mind, playing tennis with my bro, writing good exams, moments of listening and walking with God - these are the moments that made 2010 an unforgettable year.
I know that not every year will be like 2010 - this year was a mountain top, but who knows? 2011 might be a valley. But no matter what, God will be right beside me through all the different terrains of life. So that makes it okay.

2 0 1 1 :
What will you bring? I have no clue. I'm hopeful for the future, even though I know there will be struggles and hard times too. But deep down, I feel like this coming year too will be one I'll never forget :) So let's bring it - I'm ready to go on this ride with you :)

bright, like a spark in the night

That day is still so clear in my mind. I don't think I'll ever forget it. It was magical, like something from a film - something that only happens in dreams, except it was real. I hope I can relive that experience someday. But until then, I can relive it every night in my dreams.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

peace on earth

christmas time is here
bringing happiness and cheer
sweet escape and needed rest
time to love and be loved
all is calm all is bright
have a merry christmas tonight

Friday, December 10, 2010

convo between two study-overloaded students (aka me 'n D.)

l: i hate exams
d: really? cuz everyone else in this school just loves them!
l: you're not funny...
d: ooohhh woowwww i just LOVE this! I just can't get enough! mmmhhhmm EXAMS!!

tips for studying:

- open the window
- get up and get dressed/ready like you would on a regular day
- don't go on fb
- get up every once and a while and go for a run
- focus focus focus
- switch up your study spot
- do some good stretching every few hours

stay alive,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There's a fire and it hurts - bright and beautiful but Hollywood is dead.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You’re here
You're holding me so near
I’m staring into the face of my Savior
King and Creator
You could’ve left us on our own
But You’re here

And still He calls
Through the night,
Beyond the days of old.
A voice of peace
To the weary ones,
Who struggle with the human soul.

All of us,
Through a given time.
Who can know
What tomorrow holds?
But over the horizon,
Surely you and I will find peace.

All else pales compared to knowing You.
Loving You through loving people - that's what it's about.
Not the money, not the fame, not the feel-good-now.
My life is just a moment that will determine the forever after.
I don't want to waste it.
Will You hold my outstretched hand?
Will You help me understand?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

sometimes you have to feel the thud

it's not good to fly all the time
sometimes you have to feel the thud of falling in order to really appreciate the view from above
and if you never fall, you'll never be on the ground - your head will be in the clouds and that's not good for your character
even though it's painful, falling and hitting the ground is sometimes the best thing for you. getting back up means so much more.

Monday, November 29, 2010

'tis sad fact of life

sometimes you have to try not to care no matter how much you do. because sometimes you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

you say jump, i say spin. you say twizzle, i say rocker.

It's like nothing I can explain. If you ask me why, I can't give you a direct answer. It's just this feeling of freedom and abandon. Sport and art. Fashion and fire. The two worlds are one, and that's what I love about it. I love just shooting around the rink with the wind in my hair. The only one out there - all other worries out of mind. It's like a sweet escape. It's something I can do with friends, or do alone if I need to think. It's the best vacation.
There are flaws of course. But there are cons to everything. There's something about working hard to accomplish your dreams that's very admirable. It can be applied to all parts of life.
This has always been a love and I think it always will. I'd love to be one of those old ladies at skating competitions all decked out in Canada gear, cheering and dancing with abandon.
Skating. Ya, this is a forever thing :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

and...that's the end of that

sorry dear but it's over. you've had enough time. i have better things to do.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


How can I have only known you for three months? It feels like we've been friends a lifetime. I'm amazed at how fast our friendship formed. We get along so well and have sooo much in common it's insane :) Bestie, you're like a sister to me. I can't wait for all the places we'll go together and things we'll see. These next four years are going to be amazing :) But they're only the beginning of a friendship for a lifetime :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

take it all

Lord, I want You to be the only reason that I live.
I want every part of my life to be used for You and by You.
Lord please take it all. My heart is Yours.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


My love is a light driving away all of your fear.
So don't be afraid.
Remember I made a promise to keep you safe.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

quote from tessa

some days, i feel like a duck. calm and smooth on the outside, but paddling like the dickens underneath.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

don't know what to think.

It's confusing. You say one thing, but do another. You give me one impression, but then an opposite one. I don't know how you feel, but I wish you would tell me. It would be better than this. I really want this. I still admire you, and I think I always will. But I'm thinking it's time for me to let go. And move on.

falling but flying back up again

It's hard when things like this happen. I know I deserved it, but it's still hard to bear. I know You're trying to teach me something from this. I know I'm making too much of this. But Your faithfulness always amazes me.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sometimes I think we make life too complicated.
Every day is about rushing here and there, doing this and that. We have to be the best at this, buy this, go there, get this, run faster than that person. When it comes down to it, I know that I have to try and peel back everything that the world throws at me - things that don't really matter - and get back to what life's really all about. Life's about God - serving Him every day. Life's about people - loving them, reaching out to them, and treasuring every moment you have with the ones you love. A hug, a smile, an "I love you" - those are the things that really matter. I want to live a simple life - a life lived for God and putting others first. It's hard when everything around you pulls you to think and do the opposite. I just want to live a simple life for God.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what's important

Forget not the hope that's before you
And never stop counting the cost
Remember the hopelessness when you were lost

There is a joy in the journey
There is a light we can love on the way
There is a hope and a wildness to life
And freedom for those who obey

Sunday, August 1, 2010

this isn't why i'm here

there must be more than this
oh breath of God, come breath within
there must be more than this
spirit of God, come take me in

fill me anew i pray
fill me anew i pray

consuming fire
fan into flame
a passion for Your name

Spirit of God
won't You fall in this place
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way
with me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

missing it

A graveyard of buried memories.
That's what it felt like to eat lunch today at PA outside on the grass during my break.. the same spot i sat with my friends for three years.. but i was the only one there. It was sad. Memories are everywhere on campus. At every corner. At every turn. On every bench. In every hallway. It was like I saw the past three years flash past me. They were good years. The best of my life. But they're over now, and I have to move on. I just wish it wasn't this hard. Yes, I very excited for the future. Yes, I just want to run out into the world with my arms outstretched, just waiting to see everything and meet new people and learn new things. I'm ready to move on to a new chapter. It's just that some days it's hard to turn these pages, because the story was so so so good. So good. But I'll always have that part of the story with me. I'll never forget.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

all that skate summer

I really wish I could go to Korea right now. Pretty much the best skating show ever is there this weekend! And wow... the 3 best skaters of all time are there together. :) Me? Wish I was there.

Monday, July 19, 2010

i'm holding it out to you

Sometimes the night was beautiful
Sometimes the sky was so far away
Sometimes it seemed to stoop so close
You could touch it but your heart would break

Sometimes the morning came too soon
Sometimes the day could be so hot
There was so much left to do
But so much You'd already done

One star in the night had been lit for me
And on this road to righteousness
Sometimes the climb can be so steep
I may falter in my steps
But never beyond Your reach

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I wonder

I wonder what it would have been like to be your friend.

I wonder how I can know you so well.
I wonder what could make you notice.
I wonder what we could have had.
I wonder if it's too late.
I wonder if you know how perfectly we fit.
I wonder if I'm wrong about this.
I wonder what you think.
I wonder if this isn't the end.
I wonder if I'll ever forget the times we've had. I don't think so.

Tell me it's not futile to believe.

Monday, July 5, 2010

a sweet escape

As I sit here on the balcony at Casa Loma, I feel completely peaceful and carefree. Grad is over. Highschool is finished. My path for September is set. It's summer - a magical time when there seems to be no boundaries in life. Summer is the time to follow your heart and not look back. A time to not dwell on the past, but enjoy the present and look forward to the future.
I can't believe a year has past since the last time I was here. Everything here seems the same, yet everything is different as well. I'm beginning a new chapter of my life and this summer is only the beginning. When I think of everything that's happened this year, I feel blessed and yet amazed at how time can go by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I said good bye to Casa Loma in 2009, and yet here I am again. I've experienced so much and changed so much in a year. I think of the Olympics, senior year, grad, and developing new friendships. I think of God, and how much He's taught me this year and how much more He's drawn me to Himself. I'm so thankful for this. I feel almost guilty for the incredible blessings He's given me. But I just want to use them for His glory.
In one of my favorite places in the world, I say I wouldn't change anything about this week.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

closest Friend

"And you come like the morning
Without warning, You're there.
And You speak to me,
The words that set me free.
Oh how I long to be, more like You.
And You stay so close to me,
Like my closest Friend.
And there's no earthly love like this,
For this knows no end.
And it's no dream I dream, no fantasy.
For I have touched your heart oh God,
And You have touched me.
Now my blind eyes can see.
And there's no other one like You,
Oh You're my All in All.
You're my King,
the Song in my heart I long to sing
I will always hold to the truth,
Always run to You,
And I'll always run to the Truth,
Always wait for You,
And You come to me, like the morning,
Without warning, You're there."

Friday, June 25, 2010


You're there for me at any hour.
No matter what happens or what distance separates us, our friendship remains.
You finish my sentences and speak what's on my mind.
I'm only me when I'm with you.
I can never thank you enough.
Those moments we've shared - I could never replace.
Laughing, crying, living life to the fullest - that's what friends are for.
We'll face the future together.
Together we'll remain,
Always a call away.
Then. Now. Always.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

all the times we had together

It's over. 3 years of growing, tears, laughter, learning, transforming, achieving, and simply having the time of my life. How can leave this place? It's here that I met my dearest friends in the world. It's here that I met my Savior. It's here that I learned so much. It's hear that I found myself. It's hard sometimes to imagine my life without it. But I know that when this chapter of my life closes, I'll still be taking pieces of the last chapter with me. The people that mean so much to me, the lessons I've learned, the precious memories I have - they'll be in my heart forever and I won't ever let them go. They're a part of who I am, and nothing can change that.
These 3 years will be in my heart forever. I'll never forget.
I'll never forget any of you. You're half of who I am.
I know that I'm in Your hands and You're already mapping out a path for me. I know You have something amazing waiting for me.
Deep breath. I can do this. I've done it. All I have to do is walk across the stage and into the future.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

summer's in the air

The air feels so warm now, and it really feels like summer is on the horizon. Only 2 1/2 months of high school left. I can't believe it. And the off season has begun. I wonder what changes will happen over the next few months? Some things are certain -- Mao and Mirai are staying. Yuna - I hope you continue to compete, because you're still so young and can improve even more and leave a lasting legacy. I really hope you continues on to 2014!! Joannie - I don't think she'll stay until Sochi, but I hope she continues to compete for the next few seasons. It would be great if she could medal at worlds a few more times and.. maybe become world champion?? Anything's possible =) And Sasha.. I hope she continues to compete. At nationals, we got a taste of her new programs, but it really felt like she didn't do them justice. I really think Sasha could win worlds if she continued to train and compete. I really think she could. Not winning either worlds or the Olympics is really too bad considering how talented she is and what a legacy she has. And... what new faces will emerge to peak in 2014? Christina Gao? Min Jung Kwak? Or someone we've never heard of yet?
Who knows what will happen? But I'm crossing my fingers =)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Wish I didn't feel this way. Wish I didn't have to. Wish it could be. But am I making more of this than I should? I have no right.

Friday, February 26, 2010

i believe together we'll fly

To experience the Olympics in my home city was an amazing experience that I'll never forget. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. To be in the Olympic environment for the past two weeks and to have been fortunate enough to attend three events, see the torch relay twice, and go downtown to soak up the atmosphere four times were blessings that were more than enough. I truly feel that I made the most of my chance to experience the Olympics. Sure, I didn't get some of the tickets that I wanted to. But the Olympics is much more than that. I didn't need to spend lots of money to have a great experience. And it turned out that I was blessed by people who mean a lot to me and was able to attend some events after all. With the Olympic wrapping up in two days, I reflect back on the past two weeks with fond fond memories that I'll always cherish. And if all of this wasn't enough, I was fortunate enough to meet some figure skaters today! Two of my heros, Kiira Korpi and Laura Lepisto, were walking by and I met them and got a picture. It was really special. And then I got to meet Shae-Lynn Borne too! Pretty cool. I can't believe what a great time I had today and it was even more special because I got to share it with friends.
Vancouver 2010 has truly been a successful Games. From the amazing enthusiasm of Canadians around the country and especially here in the heart of Vancouver, the entire Olympics have been so special. Our national pride and true north strong and free colors have come out and shown the world how wonderful it is to be Canadian. And I truly think that we are blessed beyond belief to live in such an amazing country as Canada. I hope that the world felt welcome here - I think they did. To top it off, we have an extraordinary medal count - at least 24 now and maybe more by the end of the Games, plus a record amount of golds. We did it Canada!! The Games have had amazing moments so far. From the incredible opening ceremonies and the first gold on home soil by Alex Bilodeau to the emotional and inspiring skate of Joannie Rochette, Vancouver 2010 will live on in the hearts and minds of Canadians and the world for a very long time.
In the last two days of Vancouver 2010, I'm going to soak up every moment. Go Canada Go!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

heart of gold

Dear Joannie,

You did it. That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen anyone do at the Olympics. All of Canada is so proud of you. That short program was one of the most exciting and emotional events I've ever seen. Good luck in the free skate! Don't worry about the medals; just skate for your mother.

some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

It's here. The day that you've been waiting for your whole life it seems. The day that you've trained for your whole life. You've given up everything for this moment. There's been pain and tears... all in preparation for six minutes. Everything you've done up to this point doesn't seem to matter - the only thing that does is what happens in those few moments on a sheet of ice with the world watching. You don't know what will happen. You've worked hard and you feel prepared - but a few minutes on slippery ice can change everything. Before you step out into the Olympic glare, it seems as if the dream you've dreamed so fervently about is within your grasp. But after you step off the ice, will that dream remain in shatters behind you? Or will it be yours?
It's the Olympics. Anything can happen. The only thing that's certain is the uncertainty. In the past, nothing has gone right for the favorites. Meaning this: anyone can become the next Olympic Ice Queen. In 1998, Michelle Kwan came in as the favorite. But Tara Lipinski stole the show. In 2002, no one would have expected Sarah Hughes to be on the podium. But she beat out favorites Irina Slutskaya and Michelle Kwan to take gold. Likewise, 2006 saw veteran darkhorse Shizuka Arakawa come from almost quitting the sport to skating lights out while favorites Slutskaya and Sasha Cohen crashed around her.
It's 2010. A new quadrennial cycle of hard training and fervent dreaming has ended with the ultimate prize - Olympic gold - within reach. Who will reach out and take it?
Yuna - You've been so dominant over the past year. No one has been able to touch you in competition. You've got everything it takes to win. But you're the favorite, the frontrunner, the world champion everyone is chasing. Just go out and skate your heart out, like you do everyday in practice in Toronto. Let your love of skating shine through and you'll be atop the podium.
Mao - You're so talented. You've struggled this past year, but put all of that behind you. You're the darkhorse - you don't have the pressure of being the favorite. So run with it. Remember what you did in Worlds two years ago. You fell on your opening jump - hard. But then you pulled yourself up and gave the performance of your life. That's what you can do now. You can overcome the troubles you've have with your triple axel this year, pull yourself up, and skate like you never have before.
Joannie - all of Canada is behind you. We'll be with you the whole way. You can do it.
Mirai and Rachael - You're both so talented with bright futures. Just soak in every moment and do your best - that's all you can do. 2014 is your time, but in 2010 the possibilities are limitless.
The 2010 Women's Olympic Short Program. Everyone's worked hard - it's time for them to realize their dreams.