Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Jesus Your Name is healing,
Jesus Your Name gives sight,
Jesus Your Name will free every captive,
Jesus Your Name gives life.

Jesus Your Name is holy,
Jesus Your Name brings life,
Jesus Your Name above every other,
Jesus Your Name gives life.

Jesus Your Name is power,
Jesus Your Name is light,
Jesus Your Name will break every stronghold,
Jesus Your Name is life.

Jesus Your Name is life."

Monday, December 5, 2011

kisses from casa lomaaa

i miss this and i imagine that it's a small taste of what heaven will be like.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I wish things didn't have to be this way and I wish things never turned out like that. I'll never know until Heaven why this happened but I know that God had a plan a reason for things turning out this way.
"I stand to praise Him.
But I fall on my knees.
My spirit is willing.
But my flesh is so weak.

So like the fire in my soul,
Fan Your flame and make me whole.
Lord you know where I've been,
So light the fire in my heart again."

Saturday, November 26, 2011

There are some people that I will never understand.
And I've realized I don't need them.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This week I saw my first dead person. I don't mean to sound morbid, but it was a pretty impacting moment. I know that as a nurse I'm going to be coming face-to-face with death all the time, but the first time you see it it really hits you. I guess what stuck me the most was the stillness. I almost thought she was made of wax - it was hard to believe that someone could be that still.
We as people are so afraid of death. When I was up on the palliative ward, the staff talked about dying as if the person had "fallen asleep" or "slipped away." A lot of the family members chose to hold a "celebration of life" for their loved one instead of just calling it a funeral. Not that there's anything wrong with celebrating someone's life, but it just seems to me that our North American culture often shies away from death too much. We live as if we're not going to die, we never talk about death, and then when someone we love dies, we're totally unprepared and just lose it.
The truth is that we were never made to die - that's why we're so uncomfortable with it. Even our own bodies try to prolong life as much as possible and even when someone's heart stops, their body can often resusitate itself. Death was never meant to happen, but because of sin it's something that nearly every human being will have to face.
I guess that at that moment I was struck by the sobering reality of how fragile life is and how out of control of our own lives we really are. When it comes down to the moment we die, it doesn't matter how famous we were, how much money we had, how good looking we were... You can't take any of that with you, not even your own body, which is really just a shell.
That's why it's so important to be right with God. He could take your life away in a moment. The experience of this past week taught me how God really is all we need and all we have. Everything else around us has been gifted to us from Him.
I'm glad that I don't have to be afraid of death. I'm so thankful that God saved me and that one day when I leave this earth, I'll see Him face to face and there will be no more death. I can't wait for that day.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

sweet summertime xxoo.... oh how i miss you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

the simple life

"My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear." - B. Moorehead

What a comfort to know that admist all the confusion, pain, and fear in this world, we have a Father who always has His arms around us, keeping us safe and guiding our way. What freedom to be able to let the cares of this world roll off and bask in the knowledge that God is in control and that we live in but a tiny shadow of Eternity.

Monday, October 10, 2011

no matter what circumstance you are in, you can always find something to be thankful for. happy thanksgiving!! :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011


it's on days like yesterday that you find out who really loves you and who could really care less.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lord, I can't thank you enough for all of the amazing people you've put in my life. I'm so blessed and I don't deserve any of it. To all of my amazing family and friends - you guys can never know how much I love all of you. You're the best. Thank you xo

Friday, September 30, 2011


sometimes i dream about meeting mr. right... i guess every girl does huh?? :P

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sometimes my life just don't make sense at all. When the mountains look so big, and my faith just seems so small. So hold me Jesus, cuz I'm shaking like a leaf. You have been king of my glory, won't you be my prince of peace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I don't understand some people. You make yourself vulnerable and put yourselves out there for them. You smile and say good morning or you write them a quick note to ask them how they're doing. And to me it's the lowest form of selfishness to ignore gestures like that. I'm not asking to be your best friend. I'm just trying to reach out and be a friendly person. Besides... I thought we were more than just aquaintances.
There's going to be no crying, no begging, and no pleading. My friendship's free; take it or leave it. Simple as that.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

the things we wished we'd said

Life goes by so fast. We couldn't slow it down even if we wanted to. Wait... wasn't it just yesterday that I was that kid with a big imagination and big dreams? Wasn't it just yesterday that I put on my PA sweater for the first time or went grad dress shopping with my friends? Wasn't it just yesterday that I got my University acceptance letter and had sleepovers with my bestie talking about everything we were going to do after grad? Honestly, I can't believe that it's been over a year since grade 12 ended and that I'm heading to the halfway point of my undergrad degree. Whaaaattt?!?!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes I get so caught up in things that don't really matter. Life is short and there is only really one purpose for me on this earth - glorifying God and living out His plan for my life. Not my plan. His plan. I don't want to veer off of His path, but it happens so easily because there are so many distractions and I feel like sometimes I'm being pulled a million different ways. I just don't want to have any regrets. I don't want to miss the mark. I want to make the most of every moment I have because time is ticking away.

Speak now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here i am sitting in the library and it feels like i never left, even though 4 months and a whole ton of new experiences/memories have come between first and second year. I was so blessed by Summer 2011 in more ways that I can even say. I'm so happy to be back on campus though and reunited with my nursing class and other friends again :) I can't believe how blessed i am to be here and i will never ever take this place and its people for granted.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

packing up memories and moving on; this roller coaster of life

Life flies by so fast. Time elapses without us even realizing. I can't believe that school is starting in just over a week. This has been an amazing summer of growing, learning, resting, re-energizing, loving, laughing, and making precious memories. I wouldn't change anything about this summer - the good times and the bad - because I've come out of it a stronger person, rested and ready for a new year. I'm excited about going back to school and getting closer to becoming a nurse, learning, growing closer to friends, and taking in new experiences. I know there will be hard times, stressful times, and times that I know I'll be stretched and out of my comfort zone. But I also know there will be times of excitement, joy, and accomplishment. Whatever this year brings, I'm excited to see what God has in store for me and I know He'll be beside me the whole way. I'm ready for sophomore year. Bring it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

all you need is love

I've come to realize that the most precious things in life cannot be bought, that relationships are more important than anything else, and that you should never take for granted the moments you get to spend with the ones you love.

Friday, August 5, 2011

in your dreams, you can be anything you want to be

D: Have you always wanted to be a nurse? Cuz I never did.
L: Nope, actually I never even thought of it.
D: So when you were little what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?
L: a figure skater :)
D: aww :)
L: But God had other plans when He made me grow to 5'8''.
D: That's ok, cuz tall nurses are hot.
L: Haha we're going to rock at this job then ;)

Man, I love my bestie <333

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm going to Saskatoon in 3 days :)
I feel like the luckiest girl alive :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

favorite things

these are some of my favorite things:

- unexpected call or text from a friend
- lattes
- eating warm cake in the family room with Mom & Dad
- being the first one to step onto the ice early in the morning at the rink
- running in the rain and not caring about getting wet or dirty
- the feel of a tennis ball hitting the sweet spot on my racquet
- hitting all the green lights on the way home
- getting into bed at night underneath clean, fresh smelling sheets
- being at an airport and watching the planes land
- seeing a sunrise and knowing that God is so near

It's seeing joy in the little things that makes life wonderful.

Monday, July 25, 2011

sweet severe mercies

‘Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?

Friday, July 22, 2011

hold my hand. hold my heart.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

reality checkk

I realize now that although I thought that life was amazing, i realize now that it was just a dream. In reality, it's not all it's cracked up to be and i actually think i'm glad i made that decision all those years ago.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

i wish i was k or c or c or c or k so you'd want to be my friend and i don't know why i care so much i thought i got over you a long time ago.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

at least once in my lifetime i want to:

- compete in a triathalon
- get the full olympic games experience
- find true love
- go waterskiing
- surf
- spend Christmas in the Swiss Alps

... etcetera to come :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

my heart, your home

Come and make
my heart, your home
Come and be everything I am and all I know

Search me through and through
So my heart becomes a home for you

A home for You
A home for You
Let everything I do open up a door for You to come through
And my heart will be
A place where You wanna be

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have the best friends EVER!! I am so blessed. My nursing class is fantastiqueee and I can't wait until we're all together again in September :) Shame on me for thinking that I needed anyone else. Because who I have is much more than I deserve.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

intentionally missional

What does it mean to be intentionally missional?
This question comes to my mind many nights when I'm sitting in my room, getting ready to go to bed, and it's just me and my thoughts. It's a question that sums up a burden i've had in my heart for a while and one that sums up a part of my relationship with God. It's a phrase from a message at church a few months ago and it's been tugging at my mind and heart ever since.
Life is so confusing sometimes. Wonderfully confusing. I say this because right now, my life is almost too good. I'm on summer vacation. I'm a nanny for my next door neighbors, so my job is unbelievably non-stressful. I really have no set plans, no concerns, no stretching situations. God has blessed me with these months of relaxation and rest. I'm very greatful for this, but at the same time it plays with my mind. Can I be too comfortable? Do the good times draw me away from God because I feel like I don't have to rely on Him as much and get pulled into focusing on myself and what pleases me? This scares me, but I realize that I am guilty of this attitude. In a way, I realize that I need God all the time but especially in the good times. All the praise and thanks for what He has given me belongs only to Him. I don't deserve any of this, and I feel almost guilty having so much and so much joy when others have nothing. I hate focusing on myself.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think God has blessed me with so much because He wants me to use what I've been given for His glory. I'm not sure what this looks like exactly, but it ties in with the "intentionally missional" words that have been playing in my thoughts. As a Christian, I am called to be a missionary. Sometimes we think of missionaries as the people who go across the world to a remote village in Africa or Asia but really, we as Christians are all missionaries. And the mission field is all around us. I have been struck in the past few months with how much my home city of Vancouver needs God. The one thing that I really want to do is to take my focus off of myself and onto others. Through my daily interactions with others and through the service opportunities in front of me I want to give back to God some of what He has blessed me with. I don't want to live my life for myself, but for Him. I guess you could say that since Jesus came into my heart, He has been pulling me like a magnet towards the heart of God. I am naturally so so selfish and self-centered. But the still small voice of God is nudging me all the time to turn away from myself and towards His will. I need His help so badly, but I am praying and trusting that He will show me His will for my every moment on earth if I just listen.
Father, I am so weak and so often confused. You are not a God of confusion. Please direct my steps. I know You have a plan for my life and I want more than anything to walk in it. Less of me. More of You.
sometimes you have to pretend not to care no matter how much you do
because sometimes you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you

Saturday, July 9, 2011


"Sing to me a summer song/
A song of sun, surf and sand.
Show me what it means to be loved/
And I'll show you a place where love lives.
Sing to me a summer song/
A song of warm wind and sandy, sunkissed skin.
Show me where you keep your heart/
And I'll show you the summer place where mine lives."


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

closer to loveee

wowwwzzzaaa i checked the forecast for kelowna and it's gonna be hot hot hot!! yessss i am SO SO SO excited for Casa Loma :) Can't believe it's only 3 more days until I'm back at my 2nd home!!! A summer isn't complete without going to Casa Loma and it's going to be a little piece of heaven. I'm ready for the magic. Better go packkk :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

memory footprints

I guess I'm a really nostalgic person. That's sometimes a bad thing, but mostly a good thing. I try to savour the experiences of life and hold onto them in my heart. So far, this summer has been magical. I know that I'll never forget the things that have happened in may and june. The hard days have melted away and the precious, sparkling things that make life so wonderful will be in my mind for a long time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

home is such a beautiful, sweet word and i am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The question was raised
As my conscience fell
A silly, little lie
It didn’t mean much
But it lingers still
In the corners of my mind
Still you call me to walk
On the edge of this world
To spread my dreams and fly
But the future’s so far
My heart is so frail
I think I’d rather stay inside
But You love me anyway
It’s like nothing in life that I’ve ever known
Yes You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me

love/hate but home

It's been eight years since I left the only place I ever knew to come to Vancouver, BC. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that all those years have past. But at the same time, it's not so hard. When I search my heart, I realize that Saskatoon is no longer home. It is home in the sense that it is my hometown, but it remains simply the place that holds my childhood. It doesn't feel like home to me anymore.
Vancouver has become my home. It's happened slowly, and without my realization. It's happened as I have come to know it better - that big, foreboding, intimidating city that seemed so scary and overwhelming before has come to feel like my neighborhood. Not to say that I am not extremely cautious when I go there - it's still a big city after all and not the safest one at that. Nor would I say that I am super familiar with it, because I'm not. However, I've slowly learned who Vancouver really is. And I've come to realize that I have a complicated relationship with Vancouver. It's love/hate.
Love: There are many reasons to love Vancouver and I love Vancouver for all of them. It has superb weather. Okay, it does rain a lot, and that stinks, but I would take rain over snow any day. So the mild climate, yes is a plus. It has so many places to explore. Amazing shopping. Myriads of restaurants and cafes. Historical attractions, tourist attractions, and outdoor adventures are plentiful. Worldclass events come here: the Olympics are number one. Figure skating. Concerts. And there's another reason I love Vancouver: the spirit of the people who live here. I realized this during the Canuck Stanley Cup craze. We have an awesome hockey team. We hosted an awesome Olympic Games. And ignoring the riot, we know how to come together to celebrate something that unites us. It's magical.
Hate: I don't like the sketchy people that a big city always brings or how you don't feel safe all the time because of the seedy areas. I don't like how materialisitc the city is and how rich it is. I don't like how spiritually dark Vancouver is. There are so many broken people here and very few who have encountered God. When I think of missions, I realize that God has laid Vancouver on my heart. We always think of missions as going somewhere internationl, but really, the biggest mission field is on my doorstep. I love Vancouverites and I have such a burden for them. I know that God loves them so much and I pray that I can somehow become a worker in the harvest that I know he has in store for this city.
But even though Vancouver is not perfect, it is my home. That I have come to realize as I sit here in my Canucks shirt and look at the photos pasted on my wall that depict my Olympic memories here from just over a year ago. I have realized that my heart has come to lie in Vancouver and that no matter where I go, I will always be a Vancouver girl. There is a part of me that will always be a prairie girl, but another part that belongs to Vancouver.
We have the best hockey team, had the best Olympics, have the best weather, and the best opportunities. I pray that God will reveal himself to the people of Vancouver and save this city that I have come to love so much.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

beauty amongst ashes

Although I'm obviously sad and disappointed the Canucks couldn't come through last night, I am still very proud of our team. They gave us an amazing run to the cup this year - two months of fun, excitement, entertainment, thrills, gripping moments, jubilation, and patriotic spirit reminiscent of the Olympics. How can that be looked on as a disappointment? Yes, we were oh so close to being #1, but sometimes it's not all about being #1. Sometimes it's being thankful for opportunities, for the journey, and for being #2. Come on guys, we were second best in the league, President's Trophy Winners and Division Champions. Sometimes you need to look at the glass as half full. We have a great team here in Vancouver and there's always another year, another run at the cup :) Go Canucks Go!
What's sad though is to see such a fun two months of cheering on the Canucks end like this. What were those idiots thinking? How is it acceptable to destroy other people's property, mock authority, and disgrace the reputation of Vancouver and all of Canada? How those people who rioted last night can call that a good time is mind-blowing to me. Seriously people, we LOST A HOCKEY GAME. It was a GAME. It was supposed to be fun. It's not like you lost your jobs or your right to vote or anything else that a riot is normally about. So the Canucks didn't win? So what? It's sad, but life goes on. Life is about far more than a hockey game, and for people to use a trivial disappointment as a chance to showcase outright rebellion and oppositionality is beyond me. I'm very disappointed that this city, which showcased the most successful Olympic Games in history, has tarnished that reputation with this outrageous immaturity.
At the end of it all, however, I am reminded of the bigger picture. I realize now that I have been guilty of maybe getting too caught up in Canucks fever over the past few months. The slogan for the Canucks post-season was "This is what we live for." How very sad and depressing that this thing that so many Vancouverites and Canucks players supposedly 'live for' is the chance at the Stanley Cup - something so uncertain and volatile. Fans and players have thrown all of themselves into one thing - Canucks for the Cup - for months and what is the result? Failure. How sad that the thing you live for is always just a little out of reach, never certain, and never promising of peace or accomplishment.
What we really should be living for is the one thing that NEVER fails or leads to disappointment - God. He says "You will know that I am the Lord. Those who hope in me will never be disappointed." Isaiah 49:23. Jesus promises that a life devoted to Him will reap GUARANTEED eternal rewards - rewards that far outshine a Stanley Cup - rewards that will never, ever fade.
In conclusion, all of this makes me realize that we as a people are very, very lost. We are a broken people. We are all in great need of God's mercy, His grace, and His love.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Canucks, I know this has been a rough run to the cup, but you have one chance to take it all.
Put every last ounce of effort and drive you have out on the ice tomorrow and you'll be unstoppable.
Make Vancouver proud and show all those critics and haters out there what you're really made of.
You guys really are the best team. And no matter what the outcome tomorrow, you'll always be heroes to Vancouverites for who you are and how far you've come.


Monday, June 13, 2011

100 questions

Birthplace :: Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Age :: 18

Age you act :: uhh i think i act my age??

Current location :: my room haha :) in Vancouver!! home of the canucks who are gonna win the cup tonight yea babyy!!

Eye color :: brown

Hair color :: brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :: right

Zodiac sign? :: ?? not into that stuff

Height? :: 5'8''

Your heritage/nationality :: heritage = Ukrainian, nationality = Canadian whoo

Your hair :: is curly, brown, and i'm trying to grow it out at the moment haha

Your fears :: losing someone i love; not making the most of opportunities i'm given

Your perfect room :: vintage country style, elegant, girly, filled with my favorite things and pictures of the people and memories that mean the most to me

What you practically do in a day :: well, since it's summer right now my sched. is pretty relaxed, but i guess i get up, eat, go for a run or to the gym, read my Bible, then go out for the day hanging out with people, watching the canucks haha.

Words you overuse :: k, totally, like, sure, sweet

Phrases you overuse :: don't overuse any

Your first thought when you wake up :: what am i doing today?

Your greatest accomplishment :: doing well in school, track/violin achievements

Something you want to do :: live my whole life for Christ, not myself

Pepsi or Coke :: neither, not a pop drinker

Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :: neither

Chocolate or vanilla :: chocolate :)

Adidas or Nike :: Nike all the way :)

Black or white :: white

Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :: umm obv bills? they're worth more? haha

Burgers or hot dogs :: burgers

Egypt or France :: France

Rock or rap :: neither

Smoke :: no

Cuss :: no

Sing well :: decently

Sing in the shower :: haha all the time

Talk to yourself --a lot-- :: only in my head

Believe in yourself :: yes

Play an instrument :: yup three

Want to go to college? :: in college and loving ittt :)

Want to get married? :: of course

Want to have children? :: yes, some day haha

Get along with your parents :: yup, very well

Get along with your siblings? :: most of the time

Gone out of province :: definitely; i love to travel

Drank alchohal :: nope

Smoke :: nope

Eaten an entire box of oreos :: uhh no i don't want to get sick :P

Been on stage :: many times

Gone skinny dipping :: haha no!

Been dumped :: nope

Dyed your hair :: no

Stolen anything :: no

Craziest :: probably mm

Loudest :: definitely az

Most shy :: bv

Blondest :: mh

Smartest :: ez

Kindest :: gc

Best personality :: cs

Most talented :: ez

Best singer :: ch

Most ghetto :: haha none of my friends are ghetto

Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :: mm

Funniest :: mm

Best person for advice :: ez

Dependable :: df

Trustworthy :: all my friends pretty much

Most likely to end up in jail :: uhh don't hang out with ppl like that :P

Last dream :: i was at a canucks game... too bad it wasn't real

Last nightmare :: can't remember

Car ride :: home from tennis last night

Last time you cried :: a week ago

Last movie seen :: pirates 4

Last movie rented :: notting hill

Last book read :: Bible

Last word said :: bye

Last curse word said :: don't curse

Last time you laugh :: few minutes ago :)

Last phone call :: my mom

Last CD played :: hillsong

Last song you listened to :: Canucks How the West was One parody

Last annoyance :: looked outside and saw it was raining

Last weird encounter :: uhh can't think of one

Last person you hugged :: my dad

Last person you yelled at :: my brother

Last time you wore a skirt :: can't remember

Sarcastic? :: not usually

Last time you fought with your parents :: can't remember

Last time you wished upon a star :: haven't had a clear night recently :(

Played Truth or Dare :: a yr ago i think

Spent quality time alone :: with my best friend

Are you talking to someone on AIM :: not atm

Do you feel lonely :: no

Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :: umm no that's kinda bizarre

What do you think of George Bush? :: don't know enough about him to say

How many languages do you speak? :: three

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Christianity isn't about living in your perfect little house with your perfect wife and perfect children and staying away from everyone else out there who has it wrong. If we call ourselves Christians we must live the way Jesus did - Jesus loved the poor and the broken." - Rich Mullins
through all of this, God is teaching me that material things don't matter as much as we think they do.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Well, sometimes my life just don't make sense at all
When the mountains look so big
And my faith just seems so small

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

And I wake up in the night and feel the dark
It's so hot inside my soul
I swear there must be blisters on my heart

So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

Surrender don't come natural to me
I'd rather fight You for something I don't really want
Than to take what You give that I need
And I've beat my head against so many walls
Now I'm falling down, I'm falling on my knees

And this Salvation Army band is playing this hymn
And Your grace rings out so deep
It makes my resistance seem so thin

I'm singing hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf
You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

You have been King of my glory
Won't You be my Prince of Peace

Thursday, June 2, 2011

sometimes it takes a hard knock to wake us up and make us realize that life is not about us.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


What a blessing to be in church this morning. How blessed I am to be able to meet with other believers and encourage one another in faith. Some Sunday mornings, I am reluctant to get up early for Church. I feel guilty deep down about this, but as soon as I step into the presence of God and His people, I ask myself: "How could I go through a week without this?" I am encouraged by the Words of the Scriptures that say: "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in there midst." The words of one of my highschool teacher's words came to me as well this morning: "You can't go through the Christian walk alone; you need brothers and sisters in Christ to support you along the way or you won't survive."
These words resonate to me such truth. How encouraging it is to share the struggles and joys of life with other believers who can help build you up in your faith. How foolish I have been to think that I could be a lone ranger Christian. I feel strengthened in my faith to hear how God is working in the lives of my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
Today, I feel God calling out to me saying "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to decern God's plan for your life - His good, pleasing, and perfect will."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

and Bieksa scores!!!

k i can't even contain my excitement right now. good year to become a hockey fan and buy a flag haha because...


So good to be a Vancouverite right now :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Make me aware.
Make me see
that everything I have is not all about me.
So take my world
turn it around.
And let the obvious finally be found.
Make me aware.
I have been missing so much,
Not recognizing Your touch.
Make me aware, make me aware.

I want everything I have and am to be about You.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

alone on a rink with spotlights in your hair

i see your true colors shining through
i see your true colors
and that's why i love you
so don't be afraid
to let them show through
your true colors
true colors
true colors
beautiful like a rainbow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It is what it is.
It was what it was.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's May.
Sunny weather, start of summer, cool breezes, blue skies.
Royal Wedding, Election, World Championships, Canucks.
Shopping bags, dangly bracelets, white shoes, ice cream.
Flip flops, green grass, hot tennis courts, cool lake.
Sun browned skin, hair down, morning runs, starry nights.
Picnics, beach days, laughing with friends, downtown adventures.
Family movie nights, walks to Starbucks, phone calls, heart-to-hearts.
Windows open, music blaring, red nailpolish, flowers in the hair.
Airplane trips, Canada Day fireworks, weddings, Casa Loma magic.
Trail runs, mornings at the pool, Wimbledon, putting green sunsets.
Jean shorts, bright T's, flowy dresses, long necklaces.
Prairie homecoming, family dinners, scrapbooking, ER marathons.

Oh Summer. How glad I am to see you again.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

k i am SO ready to be done. In less than 24 hrs i will be :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


I will never move on from You.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Can't wait to celebrate Tanis's wedding with her ahhhh so excited! I love weddings :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"caught up in the wonder of Your sacrifice... i can't believe you would do this for me, to save me... i can't thank You enough... for Your love and Your grace when I feel so alone tonight... and when the world keeps getting smaller."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

you, honestly, are a low person. a very very low person. and i don't understand why i keep throwing myself at your feet again and again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, I'm here locked up in my room with some tea and my books and papers and I'm deep in my anatomy stuff haha :) Can't wait - only 8 more days until finals are over and summer is here! So, aside from drowing in all the material I learned this semester, my ankle is still swollen like crazy and now I don't have track to relieve my stress :( But here are some tips I'm trying to follow to stay alive during the crazy seasont that is exam time! Maybe these will help you guys too:

1) Don't study in bed. Get up and get dressed/ready like it's a normal day. Then sit at your desk or in a chair that doesn't recline too much. If you feel too relaxed, your mind will wander and you'll just want to fall asleep.

2) After every 20 min, get up a do some stretches/jumping jacks/running on the spot (except not me with this ankle haha). If you sit hunched over books too long, you'll get really stiff and sore. Short exercises promote blood flow to the brain so you'll think better too.

3) Don't eat too much. Some people have the tendency to snack a lot while they study. This will just make you feel sick though - especially since you're sitting so much.

4) Eat healthy and remember to eat! Some people have the opposite problem and so intense with studying they forget to eat or they just grab a granola bar to last them a whole day. For you brain to work it need nutrients!

5) Stay hydrated! Water helps your brain function better.

6) Open the window/curtains! Sunlight and fresh air will keep you rejuvinated and lower stress.

7) Talk to your best buds every so often for moral support. If you know that they're going through the same stuff, you might not feel as stressed :)Of course, don't talk to your friend who's on the beach in Hawaii. That might not help so much :P

8) Take breaks! If you study nonstop without leaving your room or talking to another human for hours and hours you'll get burned out and probably won't remember half the stuff you read anyway.

9) Study by day, sleep by night. Don't lose sleep and try to remember stuff at 2 in the morning when your brain can't work anyhow. Studying before sleeping helps your brain organize what you learned. And if you study ahead of time, you won't have to cram :)

10) Change it up! Study outside on the lawn, in the library, at the kitchen table, at starbucks, on your front steps... You'll feel refreshed in a new location and you might even link facts with places. Like... oh I was there when I read this so i remember it!

Good luck and stay alive,


p.s. On a happier note, Worlds is in 2 1/2 weeks! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"we have to fix our eyes on Home and stay strong on this journey because we never know how close to Home we may be."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

can't understand people sometimes.
this relationship is like a roller coaster.
i just hope that i'm wrong and that this is all just a legit roadblock.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

we got it all wrong cuz today will soon be gone

Break down your castles and open up your arms because
today will soon be

Gone, like yeterday is gone,
Like history is gone,
The world keeps spinning on,
You're going going gone,
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just trying to prove me wrong
You pretend like you're immortal you're immortal

We are not infinite
We are not permanate
Nothing is immediate
We’re so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at how dark it is

Gone, like frank sinatra
Like elvis and his mom
Like al pichino’s cash nothing lasts in this life
My highschool dreams are gone
My childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn’t last for long.

Monday, April 4, 2011

gotta get on your armor

Every day is a battle. A struggle to stay focused on the things of God and not get sucked into the message of the world. A struggle to hear God's voice admist the noise of everything else. It's so easy to get consumed. So easy to lose focus of the finish line and the prize. So easy to vear off the path for a while chasing something glittery that you thought was important. Or it's easy to vear down a trail of abandon and despair by the hard things we face that can consume us. But more and more I'm learning that to stay on the path, you have to keep your armor with you - the Word. Only then can you feel God near you and hear His voice.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's amazing how God can take a situation that really scares us and turn it into something amazing that changes us for the better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lesson learned: don't be too quick to judge.
I'm glad you came back <3
A couple things I've been thinking about today:

- life is short. The days tick by without you even noticing. Make the most of them. Make everything you do meaningful. Most of all, keep eternity in the back of your mind.
- if you want an experience/opportunity, you have to go after it. You can't wait for life to come to you; you have to go out and take advantage of life.
- sometimes you need to give people second chances.

Monday, March 28, 2011

you're taller than that

Sometimes we use the wrong stick to measure ourselves. I mean, everyone does it. I do all the time. And I need to constantly remind myself that that's not what life's about. We're striving so hard to measure up to everything the world tells us we need to be. But really, there's only one measuring stick that matters - God's. He tells us we're valuable no matter what we look like, what clothes we wear, how smart we are, or what car we drive. He loves us for who we are and tells us that success isn't about becoming number one - smartest, richest, prettiest and most wellknown or well-liked. No. In the end, all of that stuff will fade. All that will remain is God's love and how we lived in reflection of it. Just do your best. That's all God expects of you. It's good to set high goals - don't get me wrong. I always have high expectations of myself. And that's a good thing. But sometimes I put my self worth into those expectations and I need to realize that I don't need them to complete me - I'm already made complete in Him.
Loving God. Loving others. SERVING. That's the true stuff of life.
I can't ever forget.
and i'm learning that i don't need you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Changed by Your Glory

Father, I want You to hold me.
I want to rest in your arms today.

Father, I know You will show me.
I feel Your arms holding me; I'm not alone.

I bring all my cares and I lay them at Your feet.
You are always there. And You love me as I am.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

thoughts of the day

- "God doesn't care about your abilities, but your availability. Give Yourself to Him in availability and He'll give you the abilities."

- "Being a part of the Mission - that's why we're here. God is at work in the world in a big way and I want to be a part of it."

You move in the unseen. You set the captives free. As I stand and sing, You're breaking the chains on me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Prayer is the language

completely taken in
entirely forgiven of my sin
it took God's love to find me as lost as I have been
i've been completely taken in.
We walk a thin line,
A tightrope,
One shake and we fall.
Everything we work for,
In an instant it's all gone.

Are we living our lives right today?
Because when the earth shakes and the towers fall,
only One will remain above it all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


style: pretty, classy, and feminine. plaid shirts, flowy tops, pastel colors for winter, bright colors for summer. NO black.

best style of actors: guy - James Franco. girl - Natalie Portman, Emily Blunt.

music: anything that praises God and draws me closer to Him. Classical music to de-stress and for in the kitchen :)

destressors: running, shopping, talking to God through music, baking, talking to friends/fam.

sports: running & figure skating all the wayy :) Tennis a close second.

athletes: yuna kim, sasha cohen, mao asada, allyson felix, roger federer

traits I find most attractive: confidence, honesty, hard-working, sincere, selfless

biggest fear: failure. Losing someone.

favorite season: summer :) but i like something about every season.

best escape: Casa Loma!! Seriously one of the best places on earth.

quote: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

challenge for the year: living every day in light of eternity.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


"For the lost and for the broken
For the slave and for the orphan
For everyone to realize Your love

From the famous to the faceless
From the beggar to the king
For everyone to realize Your love

You restore the broken hearted
You bring freedom to the captive
For one and all
Forever this means love

All Your children come together
All Your sons and all Your daughters
Grace enough
Forever this means love"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

On days like today, you realize what matters and why it's good to be alive.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

welcome to the aftermath

"I'm giving it all away. I'm giving it all to go Your way."
"As I stand and sing, You're breaking the chains on me."
"And I know that You're with me here. Yes I know that You're with me. Your love will light the way."
"And I find myself here on my knees again. Caught up in grace like an avalanche. Nothing compares to this love, love, love burning in my heart."

Can't get enough of Aftermath.
Soundtrack of my life. <3

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Audrey Hepburn - what a classy lady :)

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
— Audrey Hepburn

Friday, February 25, 2011

breaking the chains on me

Lay your body down, next to mine

Cuz I know
that You're with me
Yea I know
that You're with me here
I know that Your love will light the way

all for YOU

Outstretched Arms (explored!)

So I'll stand
with arms high and heart abandoned
in awe
of the One who gave it all
and I'll stand
my soul Lord to You surrendered
all I am is Yours.
His mercies are new every morning.
Father, take this life and use it for Your glory.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

bringing it back


Do you ever have those times when you experience a deja vu and all those memories just flood back?
Like the taste of spearmint gum bringing back childhood airplane trips...
Like the bends in those roads that bring back those evenings with family...
Like that sound and that smile and that song and that sweater and that photo and that taste and that smell and that sigh...

Memories are everywhere just waiting to remind you of the good times you had. And if you let them, you can experience those things again. Cuz some memories never die.

Monday, February 21, 2011

i want...

hot sunshine
green grass
blue skies
flip flops
Casa Lomaaa
late sunsets
clear starry nights
30 degrees by the lake, on the dock, with a book and your thoughts

a.k.a. SUMMERRRRR :)
... only 8 more weeks. I can do this.

Friday, February 18, 2011


the sun is shining and the sky is blue.
it feels kinda like summer... or so i wish :)
i wanna go and just run in the spring air... not necessarily knowing where I'm, going, but just being spontaneous.
and if i wanna stop for a latte and then sit on the tennis courts looking at the clouds and dreaming, that's ok too.
looking at the sky and knowing that life is bigger than this and wondering about the mysteries and speed of time and how the years go by when you're not looking.
having no where to be and free to run and let your thoughts go.
it doesn't matter if it takes hours.
i'll be tired and then i can come HOME... what a beautiful word.
i'm ready for an adventure :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Today is February 12, 2011. So hard to believe that it was already a year ago, on February 12, 2010, that Vancouver welcomed the world to the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. How can a year go by so fast? It seems like only yesterday.
That was such an incredible 2 weeks that I will never ever forget. Only a few people have been lucky enough to experience the Olympics in their hometown. I'll never forget how lucky I was.
Sometimes I wonder, did I make the most of that experience? But when I look deep down, I think I did: 2 torch relays, 2 figure skating practices, 1 hockey game, 1 opening ceremony party with friend, 2 days spent just exploring downtown, and many days just watching the action at home with my family and totally losing myself in patriotism and what it means to be Canadian.
Our whole country was changed that day forever. Canada's heart grew ten sizes that day, to quote Dr. Seuss. I really miss those 2 weeks and I miss the way Vancouver was. But even though I know I'll never be able to go back in time, I can create new Olympic memories in the future. And I know that the Olympic flame was never really extinguished in the hearts of Vancouverites. I walk around the city and see remnants of the Olympics everywhere. Those 2 weeks touched our hearts and our dreams and the flame burned in our eyes. It will never go out and we'll never be the same.
So as I go down to celebrate the magic that was those 2 weeks, I know that I have no regrets. Just Olympic and Canada love.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

live every day in light of eternity.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

life is so complicated sometimes :(
this life is meaningless without You.
everything is meaningless except for serving You.

Friday, February 4, 2011

meet alissa czisny

she's just an ordinary girl, but not so ordinary
she inspires me to do the best that i have to do, too.

Alissa Czisny

Thursday, February 3, 2011

will You help me through this storm?
will You hold my outstretched hand?
when the world caves in around me,
will you help me understand?
"I've read the last page in the Bible. It's going to turn out all right."

-- Billy Graham

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

sometimes we need to look up at the stars to know that life is bigger than all of this.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

not wishes, faith

It's frustrating some times to be in a world that doesn't know Him or honor Him. It makes me so sad and confused at the same time. And it's hard to keep focus on the things that matter. It's hard when people you love are sinking and all you can do for them is pray. It's hard but He is always faithful. He's my closest friend.
Everyone is trying to fill themselves up. I'm always trying to fill myself up. Sometimes I forget that only One can fill me and satisfy my heart.

When I was younger, I used to think: if I could have three wishes right now, what would they be?
But wishes aren't real, they're just dreams.
It's not wishes I need, but faith.

don't lose heart


You will come back.
You will be stronger.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


When He says narrow is the road, narrow is the road.
It's all around and everywhere, everywhere.
And it's everyone, everyone.
Sometimes i feel alone and i don't understand.
But i remember this...
I'm not alone. And deep down, I know it's the right thing.
"When you read that I am dead, don't believe it. I will be more alive than ever before."
-- Dwight L. Moody

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Though He slay me, yet still will I love Him."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your love is a light

Just let the love love love begin...

So Valentine's Day is coming up. And I just had my first day of clinical today. Both good reasons to talk about love. I'm realizing that love isn't what society makes of it - some idealistic, sugary feeling that has no depth. Love isn't about giving paper valentines (although you can show love by doing that), it's not about a holiday, and it's not about red hearts and chocolate. Love is a way of life - it's a tangible action that should permeate every aspect of our day. We should love because He's love and He loves us - a love that's a light driving away fear. Love is being there for those who can't help themselves. I really need to keep that love in my heart when I see those patients and have to do things for them that maybe aren't so pleasant. But really, life's not about a sugar-coated Fourth of July experience. It's about genuinely loving - through loving others loving Him. And sometimes it's not always easy or pleasant. But what I have to remember is this:

"Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." -- James 1:27

Monday, January 24, 2011

live, laugh, love,
forgive and forget.
life's too short to live with regrets.
There is none like You.
No one else could touch my heart like You do.
I could search for all eternity long, and find there is none like You.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

skating is lifeeee

"so light it up...push it to the limit give it more..."
"got this whole place glowing"


Thursday, January 20, 2011


i'm blessed to be here
i'm blessed to have these people in my life
i'm blessed to have this opportunity
i'm blessed to have this break
i'm blessed to have this passion <3

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

cloud 9

ummm so this weekend is going to be amazing!!
these things only happen once in a while, so i'm gonna make the most of every moment :)
chillin' with skaters.. <3
hope time goes slowly for the next few days :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."--Psalm 32:8


It's a funny thing. It's funny how God puts people in your life, and then they slip through your fingers along with the sands of time. And then you have to move on. Just another reminder that this isn't home. I can't wait for that day.
When I look at old pictures I think of what I said in the last few days...
"One day we'll find when we're looking back at this time, wondering how we've come so far from this."
You can't experience the breathtaking view without feeling the pain of climbing the mountain.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm realizing that this is reality. And I don't want to imagine life without it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

living with a purpose

This is the life You chose for me.
I'm gonna live it to the fullest.
No regrets.
And I'm loving it.
Is that ok? I think it is if you have peace.
Cuz it's really not about your circumstances.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

love love it's all you need

school starts in a day. i'm actually really excited :)
A,W,M,A,D,E,G --> love you guys like forever. Can't wait to spend sem. 2 of university together!!
when you have good friends by your side, you can take it on. i'm readdyyy to learn :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

don't know if i can wait 2 years to be back :(

i got a pocket got a pocketfull of sunshine
i got a love and i know that it's all mine oh oh oh oh

take me away, a secret place
a sweet escape, take me away
take me away to better days
take me away, a hiding place

there's a place that i go that nobody knows
where the rivers flow and i call it home
and there's no more lies in the darkness there's light
and nobody cries, there's only butterflies

*pretty much sums up casa loma right there :)
-- missing it

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

this is a forever thing, yea

Running, i have a love/hate relationship with you,
but i love you more.
You're my passion and that's never gonna change.
I'm gonna work hard and see where you take me this year in 2011.
Wonder if some of my dreams and goals will be fulfilled?
Don't know, but
I know that I'll keep on running no matter what.
Cuz it makes me feel alive and it's my way of life.
I know that not all addictions require treatment because I run.
I'm gonna keep running through the road of life
Cuz this is a forever thing, yea :)